
The EvoReproMed Lab is based at the Institute of Environmental Health (ISAMB) of the Lisbon Medical School (Portugal). The ISAMB is a recently-appointed national Associate Laboratory, member of the Lisbon Academic Medical Centre. This means we have Portugal’s largest hospital (Hospital de Santa Maria) literally across the street, and share our infrastructure with one of the country’s best-equipped biomedical research units (the Institute of Molecular Medicine).

Lisbon is a Southern European city where the sun shines 290 days a year and the temperature rarely drops below 15ºC (59ºF). A city where it is safe to wander around day or night, and where your senses are challenged by an extraordinarily diverse cuisine and some of Europe’s finest wines. Lisbon is known for its rich history, thriving cultural scene and bohemian night life. A place where the avantgarde, the wave riders and the rave heads come together. A destination for relentless explorers and restless adventurers.