

Paulo Navarro-Costa

Invited assistant professor 

Faculty of Medicine, University of Lisbon

+351 217 999 489


Into art, science and literature (not necessarily in that order). DIY aesthete, perennial outsider, germ cell dilettante. Paulo's team harnesses the power of interdisciplinary science, with a particular focus on the use of the Drosophila melanogaster system, to identify evolutionarily-conserved aspects of human gametogenesis and explore their clinical ramifications. His goal is to train a new generation of scientists able to bridge the gap between basic and translational research, while promoting a supportive and equal opportunity work environment. 


Joana Almeida

Ph.D. student 

Faculty of Medicine, University of Lisbon


I am a PhD candidate interested in exploring the evolutionarily-conserved genetic basis of germ cell development and ultimately translate such knowledge to human infertility. After obtaining my Msc Degree in Biotechnology at Instituto Superior Técnico, my interest in reproductive medicine introduced me to spermatogenesis genetics. Since then I have focused my efforts on the study of evolutionarily-conserved aspects of  spermatogenesis, using Drosophila melanogaster as a model organism. Currently, I am particularly enthusiastic about understanding one of the most intriguing aspects of meiosis: why do chromosomes move to the nuclear periphery and cluster together at Prophase I? What does it entail, and which roles can we uncover? If you don’t find me in the lab, I will probably be getting ready for a hike or having a craft beer somewhere in Lisbon!


Neide Silva

Joint research fellow

with the Gulbenkian Science Institute (Chromosome Dynamics Lab; PI: Raquel Oliveira)


I have recently I finished my M.Sc in Evolutionary and Developmental Biology where I explored the role of Condensin II in Drosophila germ cells. Currently, as a post-graduate student, I’m following the findings of my Master’s project to expand our understanding of the role of chromosome condensation in gametogenesis. Outside of the lab, I really enjoy reading unconventional stories, watching horror movies, and going on long walks through the city.

Madalena Trindade

M.Sc. student

Instituto Superior Técnico


I am a M.Sc. student of Biomedical Engineering from Instituto Superior Técnico, specialising in Tissue Engineering and Regenerative Medicine.

For my Masters, I am studying the enigmatic process of fertilization, using the Drosophila melanogaster model. What are the multiple molecular mechanisms that cooperatively ensure sperm entry into the egg? How are compatible cellular micro-environments established between the male and female gametes to allow the initiation of a new life? These are some of the intriguing questions that I am exploring. I’m really excited with the possibility of contributing with new findings that may be translated into clinical practice in the field of male infertility!

When I am not in the lab, I am probably enjoying a sunset with friends, or dreaming about flies!